Power Of Memory

Last week I came across one interesting article in a local newspaper about a guy named Ammon Shea who has memorised the Oxford English Dictionary. He documented his experiences in his recently published book; Reading the OED: One man, One Year 21,730 pages. I wonder why and how he could possibly do that. I wish i could talk to him and ask him what had determined him to do that? Can all these words would last forever in his mind?
In facts, I do believe that some people have a gifted skill like a photographic memory which they can easily memorised everything they've seen or read within a split second! But even if you don’t have that kind of super memory, you can still memorised the book if you are determined enough to do so. Take an example, the Huffaz who can memorised all verses of Al-Quran. That’s the uniqueness of human memory. To my curious, I’ve googled about this power of human memory and I found these amazing facts about these amazing people :
2006 Clemens Mayer (reigning 2005/06 World Champion) from Germany remembered the first and surnames names of 90 people, and Boris Konrad (also from Germany) correctly recalled 214 random words. Both feats were achieved in a mere 15 minutes.
Former World Champion, Ben Pridmore (representing England ) memorised the dates of 96 historical events - in 5 minutes.
For years, memorising a pack of cards in under 30 seconds has been seen as the memory equivalent beating the four minute mile in athletics. However, in the 2007 UK Memory Championships Ben Pridmore memorised a single shuffled deck of playing cards in 26.28 seconds beating the previous World Record of 31.16 seconds set by Andi Bell.
2005 Dr Gunther Karsten ( Germany ) memorised a 1949 digit number in an hour - and recalled it in under 2 hours.
2002 8 times World Champion, Dominic O'Brien (also from England) successfully set a new Guinness World Record by recalling 54 inter-shuffled decks of playing cards, having seen each card only once. He made 8 errors out of the 2808 cards, four of which he corrected himself after being told he had made the mistakes.
Memory is central to everything you will ever do,. At work you can use your memory skills to boost your efficiency and confidence. And in your social life, a powerfully creative mind is a great tool for improving your communication, helping you organise your life and achieve more of your goals, and making your brain central to your success.
That’s it! I’m gonna improve my memory and improve my life today. For a start, i'll be looking for Tony Buzan’s books.
"Only through focus can you do world-class things, no matter how capable you are." Bill Gates