Siapakah Pengganas Sebenar?

Jenin ...aftermath

Tanggal 10 November 2008 lebih kurang jam 12.15 tengah malam (waktu Jawa Barat) hukuman tembak telah dilaksanakan terhadap tiga orang syuhada' (Insyaallah) , As-Syahid Imam Samudera, As-Syahid Ali Ghuffron dan As-Syahid Amrozi Nurhasyim setelah disabitkan kesalahan dalam peristiwa pengeboman 'disco pub' di Bali, Indonesia.

Tregedi pengeboman di Bali, menyaksikan dunia mengutuk kejadian tersebut , lalu mengaitkan dengan imej islamic terrorist yang berjaya dicanangkan oleh media barat yang didalangi oleh Yahudi dan Nasrani laknatullah. Sesungguhnya siapa kita untuk melabelkan mereka sebagai pengganas sedangkan dunia mengetahui siapakah pengganas yang sebenarnya. Pengganas yang telah meragut puluhan ribu nyawa yang tak berdosa di Palestine, di Bosnia Herzegovina ,di Selatan Thai, di Kashmir....

Disebalik pengeboman di Bali, ramai diantara kita tidak mengetahui tentang kebiadapan IDF (Israel Defence Forces) a.k.a Rejim Yahudi yang telah melakukan pembunuhan beramai-ramai rakyat Palestine yang tak berdosa di Kem Jenin, West Bank. ( Kem Jenin adalah penempatan pelarian rakyat Palestine di bawah pengawasan United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA)). Tragedi pembunuhan beramai-ramai yang berlaku diantara 3 - 7 April 2002 ini, telah sedaya upaya cuba ditutup oleh rejim yahudi dan sekutu Amerika daripada pengetahuan dunia, sebagai alasan untuk memerangi gerakan intifadha namun berita pembersihan etnik ini tersebar juga dikalangan dunia arab.

Berikut adalah petikan daripada Gulf News :

Gulf News, Dubai, May 4, 2002

Note of Likud: while the confirmed death toll of Jenin stands at 52, of which only 7 civilians, the Palestinians want the hate to stay and to keep the myth alive of a massacre.

As many as 650 Palestinians were martyred and seven others injured in Jenin and Nablus, said Riadh Al Zaanoon, Palestinian Minister of Health.

"Only seven Palestinians were injured in Jenin and Nablus but those killed are 650. The Israelis did not want to see wounded persons in the Jenin refugee camp. All what they wanted is death, death and more deaths," Al Zaanoon was quoted by the Arabic daily Al Bayan yesterday.

"As the Israelis invaded the camp after a heroic steadfastness and the Palestinian resistance ran out of their ammunition, there were may casualties who would have recovered if they have been medically treated. But Israeli forces intentions were clear and decisive; there should be no wounded people in the camp. So they killed them in cold blood, brutality and in violation of all laws and ethics which forbids killing a wounded person."

"The crime which should be made clear to the world is that of the 380 martyrs in Jenin alone, 280 or two-thirds were women and children. If they regard men as a threat, why should women and children be massacred in these numbers?"

"Another crime is the destruction of the camp, rendering its residents homeless. Hundreds of men above 45 years were separated from their families as they were dispersed to different villages."

"Yet another crime is of 13,000 residents in the camp, more than 2,000 were detained."
"Since the outbreak of the Palestinian intifada up to Israel's incursion into Jenin and Nablus, 1,500 Palestinians were killed and 35,800 injured. As Israel invaded Jenin and Nablus, 650 more were added to the death toll in 20 days," Al Zaanoon said."

The final death toll was confirmed at from 52 to 56 Palestinians – anywhere between 5 and 26 of whom were estimated to have been civilians – while 23 IDF soldiers were killed as well.

Caterpillar D9L : The armored bulldozer

Gambaran kekuatan tentera dikerah rejim Yahudi berdasarkan article oleh Sara Flounders* memetik laporan New York Times, :

The New York Times described the scale of the attack in Jenin and the type of weapons used: "The mismatch in force of arms was stark." The Israeli Army used:
Vulcan antiaircraft guns, able to shoot 3,000 rounds a minute, inside the camp. It used Cobra helicopters with thermal detection capability to fire TOW missiles – intended for use against tanks on open battlefields – through walls of houses, some with non-combatants inside. It deployed scores of Merkava tanks and armored vehicles equipped with machine guns. It used bulldozers to raze civilian homes, crushing more and more of them with less warning, Palestinians said. Buzzing drones and balloons carrying cameras monitored the fighting from above, and from a hilltop encampment just outside Jenin, officers coordinated the combat, using detailed maps and sophisticated communications.
Bayangkanlah, kekuatan tentera yang digunakan sehingga membunuh dan meranapkan sama sekali kem pelarian Jenin yang didiami oleh rakyat Palestine yang tak bersenjata, wanita dan kanak-kanak dibunuh dengan kejam, ditimbus oleh armored bulldozer jahanam! (Lihat gambar Jenin..aftermath diatas)
Kalau saya katakan jika ada umat islam yang tidak terasa dan tidak endah dengan pembunuhan saudara seagama ini, maka mereka itu sebenarnya tiada bezanya dengan kaum Yahudi dan Nasrani yang mahukan Islam hancur di muka bumi Allah ini..

*Sara Flounders took part in the International ANSWER delegation to Gaza, Bethlehem, East Jerusalem, Ramallah and Jenin, May 17-24. Flounders has edited and co-authored several books on international affairs, and is presently organizing an inquiry into U.S.-backed Israeli occupation crimes. She is Co-director of the International Action Center.


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