
Showing posts from 2008

Festival of Death

Yahudi laknatullah mengganas lagi. Aku pernah menyentuh tentang keganasan yahudi dalam entry yang terdahulu tentang pembunuhan beramai-ramai rakyat Palestine di Kem Jenin pada 2002. Kali ini, tahun 2008, pesta pembunuhan berlaku lagi...lebih ganas, lebih kejam, tanpa segan silu. Kali ini atas nama keselamatan negara terhadap ancaman puak Hamas, semenanjung Gaza di serang lagi. Episod duka ini akan berterusan tanpa noktah dan dunia Islam hanya mampu terkedu melihat saudara seislam dihujani bedilan peluru dan bom puak Yahudi laknatullah! Meminjam kata-kata Ustaz Zaharuddin, bantuan terpantas dari kita adalah qunut nazilah dan doa yang berterusan agar Allah SWT menurunkan bala untuk menghancurkan musuh-musuh Islam ini. Ya Allah Ya Tuhan Kami, Engkau hancurkanlah golongan Yahudi dan Nasrani yang memerangi umat Islam di muka bumi Mu ini, Engkau Satukanlah hati-hati kami umat Islam diseluruh dunia untuk menentang musuh-musuh Mu Ya Allah! Ya Munsyi'ussahab, Ya Haazimal Ahzab, Ihzim At Tho...

A Birthday Note.

Since i was a kid , i never had a birthday party celebration. Not because we don't want to celebrate it, but my family has a unique style of celebrating the birthday party..i.e by not celebrating it! But i know that deep down inside of our heart, we care for each other, we love each other, we just have a different style of how to express our love and affection.. As for the past 5 years since i've been married, a birthday celebration then became the annual agenda for us, especially for our kids. For me, it is not about how grand will be the party or how precious is the gift been given but ,the most important thing is the value of the celebration; that you care for your loved one, that you appreciate them for being together through the years of living. It is all family affairs! So, here we go again today on every 23rd December of the calendar is my 32nd birthday this year! I didn't expect a surprise today but i could smell that my wife has something in her mind.. sur...

Scientists learn how what you eat affects your brain — and those of your kids

In addition to helping protect us from heart disease and cancer, a balanced diet and regular exercise can also protect the brain and ward off mental disorders. "Food is like a pharmaceutical compound that affects the brain," said Fernando Gómez-Pinilla, a UCLA professor of neurosurgery and physiological science who has spent years studying the effects of food, exercise and sleep on the brain. "Diet, exercise and sleep have the potential to alter our brain health and mental function. This raises the exciting possibility that changes in diet are a viable strategy for enhancing cognitive abilities, protecting the brain from damage and counteracting the effects of aging." Gómez-Pinilla analyzed more than 160 studies about food's affect on the brain; the results of his analysis appear in the July issue of the journal Nature Reviews Neuroscience and are available online at . Omega-3 fatty acids — found in salmon, walnu...

The Ten Habits of Highly Effective Brain

The LA Times just completed a wonderful 4-part series on how learning and memory work . The NYT re-emphasized the importance of physical exercise for neurogenesis (the creation of new neurons). To put this news in better perspective, let's review some good lifestyle options we can follow to maintain, and improve, our vibrant brains. 1. Learn what is the "It" in "Use It or Lose It". A basic understanding will serve you well to appreciate your brain's beauty as a living and constantly-developing dense forest with billions of neurons and synapses. 2. Take care of your nutrition. Did you know that the brain only weighs 2% of body mass but consumes over 20% of the oxygen and nutrients we intake? As a general rule, you don't need expensive ultra-sophisticated nutritional supplements, just make sure you don't stuff yourself with the "bad stuff". 3. Remember that the brain is part of the body. Things that exercise your body can also help sharpen...

Memali : November 1985

Memali : a Democracy in rubbles (by Art Harun) “In the absence of justice, what is sovereignty but organised robbery?”: Saint Agustine Date: November 1985. Place: Malaysia. The Prime Minister was Mahathir Mohamad. Musa Hitam was the Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister. Malaysia was going through a bad recession. The price of its 2 main natural resources, tin and rubber, was at rock bottom. The Mahathir-induced “look east policy” was not working to Malaysia’s advantage. All it managed to do was to invite Japanese and South Korean contractors to undertake massive development works such as the then ground breaking Dayabumi project. Little else was being achieved from the policy apart from the mushrooming of Japanese restaurants around town. “Privatisation” and “sogo sosha” were the in-words at this time. On the other hand, the policy only managed to isolate Malaysia from its customary ally, the Great Britain and consequently, the United States. Economically, Malaysia was struggling. ...

Sejarah Mengajar Kita..

Sayu aku melihat gambar Tok Janggut* yang telah mati terkorban dalam perjuangannya menentang penjajahan British di Tanah Melayu..tak cukup dengan dibunuh, mayatnya digantung terbalik dan dihina kerana dianggap sebagai penderhaka. Aku abadikan gambar-gambar pejuang bangsa ini dalam entry kali ini sebagai mengenang jasa dan pergorbanan mereka yang tak ternilai harganya. Mereka telah membayar harga yang mahal sekali dengan darah dan nyawa mereka sebagai taruhan untuk generasi kini mengecap nikmat kemerdekaaan. Tok Gajah Kita masih mengingati nama-nama ini semasa mempelajari Sejarah di bangku sekolah, Tok Janggut di Kelantan, Mat Kilau dan Tok Gajah di Pahang, Hj Abdul Rahman Limbong dan Tokku Paloh di Terengganu, Rentap di Sarawak, Mat Salleh di Sabah, Dato' Maharajalela di Perak dan ramai lagi yang telah menggadai nyawa demi perjuangan mempertahankan tanahair daripada di jajah. Mereka semua adalah pejuang-pejuang bangsa yang telah digambarkan sebagai penderhaka oleh penjajah Britis...

De Bono's Thought : Crazitivity

'Crazitivity' is a new word that needed inventing. Crazitivity is that sort of creativity that is solely driven by desire to be different. Creativity is always new and different so the belief is that something new and different is necessarily creative. So anything different, bizarre and off-the-wall claims to be creative. I have no objection whatever to this belief and this style of 'creativity'. My only concern is that people should equate crazitivity with creativity. This would be a pity and would be a great disservice to serious creativity. Creativity can be low key, simple, unostentatious and very logical - in hindsight. Creativity does not have to announce: "Look at me. Aren't I creative!!". In the advertising world something that is crazy may catch attention and may therefore have a direct value. This is seldom the case elsewhere. Since much of the impetus for deliberate creative effort came from the advertising industry (brainstorming) there is this...

Siapakah Pengganas Sebenar?

Jenin ...aftermath Tanggal 10 November 2008 lebih kurang jam 12.15 tengah malam (waktu Jawa Barat) hukuman tembak telah dilaksanakan terhadap tiga orang syuhada' (Insyaallah) , As-Syahid Imam Samudera, As-Syahid Ali Ghuffron dan As-Syahid Amrozi Nurhasyim setelah disabitkan kesalahan dalam peristiwa pengeboman 'disco pub' di Bali, Indonesia. Tregedi pengeboman di Bali, menyaksikan dunia mengutuk kejadian tersebut , lalu mengaitkan dengan imej islamic terrorist yang berjaya dicanangkan oleh media barat yang didalangi oleh Yahudi dan Nasrani laknatullah. Sesungguhnya siapa kita untuk melabelkan mereka sebagai pengganas sedangkan dunia mengetahui siapakah pengganas yang sebenarnya. Pengganas yang telah meragut puluhan ribu nyawa yang tak berdosa di Palestine, di Bosnia Herzegovina ,di Selatan Thai, di Kashmir.... Disebalik pengeboman di Bali, ramai diantara kita tidak mengetahui tentang kebiadapan IDF (Israel Defence Forces) a.k.a Rejim Yahudi yang telah melakukan pembunuhan...

Majlis Ihtifal Tadika Annur 2008

Hari Ahad lepas, 16 November 2008 merupakan hari bersejarah bagiku kerana ianya adalah merupakan pengalaman pertama menonton '"live concert". Superstarnya adalah anakandaku yang sulung si Izmeer yang baru mencecah umur 4 tahun !! Anakandaku telah terpilih untuk membuat persembahan nasyid sempena Majlis Ihtifal ( Graduation Day) untuk pelajar2 6 tahun di tadika Annur. Setelah beberapa minggu telingaku asyik menahan perit mendengar promo nasyid kumpulan Rabbani "Pergi Tak Kembali" yang dinyanyikan oleh anakkandaku, pagi dan petang siang dan malam...didalam kereta dan diluar kereta...maka hari yang ditunggu-tunggu tiba jua! Seawal jam 6.45 pagi , mama Izmeer telah mengejutkan anakanda sulungnya yang masih mamai kenapa hari Ahad pun kena pegi sekolah. " Amer lupa ke, hari ni kan cikgu suruh pegi school...kan amer nak nyanyi, papa nak tengok , mama nak tengok , adik nak tengok..tisya ngan kak eyin pun datang!" kata Mama. " Ye ke? .." jawab Amer ...

An Old Sufi Story

A man entered a village and went to see Sufi Master. The visitor said " I'm deciding whether i should move here or not- and i'm wondering what people here are like?" The Sufi Master said "Tell me, what kind of people live where you come from". The visitor said " They were robbers, cheats and liars". The Sufi Master said " You know, those are exactly the same kind of people who live here". The visitor left and never come back. Another visitor entered the village and asked the same question of the Sufi Master. "I'm thinking of moving here- can you tell me what the people are like?" Again the Sufi Master asked, "Tell me, what kind of people live where you come from?" The visitor said " Oh, they are the kindest, gentlest, most compassionate, loving people. I shall miss them terribly". The Sufi Master said " Those are exectly the kinds of people who live here too.." Why the Sufi Master asked that kin...

Lucky me...

I had a strange experience today. No one is around to accompany me for a lunch, so I decided to walk alone to the mamak restaurant not too far from my office. A pleasant curry dish with full of spices! Alhamdulillah…on my way back to office, as i was walking alone along the street , suddenly one Proton Waja stopped besides me, one guy came out and wish me salam. From the look and his accent , I could guess that he must be an Arab. He took out from his wallet RM100 note and asked me wether I have the change notes. At first, he said he wanted RM50 notes. I took out two RM50 notes and give it to him for the exchange. But to my surprise, he insisted to look up to my wallet and grabbed all monies in my wallet….” Let me see” he said. ”wait!! no..!!” I said…” Don’t worry…we’re’re too worried..” He offered me his wallet. A fat wallet full with RM100!!. What’s wrong with this idiot!!” I thought. ( or am I the idiot?) I stepped back from him and took out all the monies from the walle...

Happy Birthday Ayang!

Happy Birthday Mama! We all love you so much!! From : Izmeer, Irdina & Imdad Happy Birthday to My Love, My Heart, My Soul.....My Wife!! Semoga hari-hari yang mendatang menjanjikan seribu kebahagiaan untuk kita.. Ada Untuk Mu Di sana pungguk menanti Mengharap bulan membalas rindu di hati Di sini aku berdiri Menunggu penuh dengan kesabaran Tanpa manis madah Janji yang puitis Untuk persembahan Hanya ketulusan Sekeping hati suci Aku......berikan kasih Kalau itu yang kau mahu dari ku Aku......berikan cinta Untuk membahagiakan hari mu Aku......sayang dirimu Biarpun nafas ku sampai terhenti Akan ku kota janji kita Mendirikan Taj Mahal cinta Seteguh kasih Shah Jehan kepada Mumtaznya Terasa indah pabila berdua Semakin tiba saat bahagia Merai cinta kita.. Ikhlas dari Abang, 11 November 2008

Pathway to Wellness

"Our brain controls so much of how we heal. Some say it’s the work of the vagus nerve, which runs from your brain to your abdomen, letting your brain communicate with the rest of your body. And evidence is mounting that the more you practise mind-body techniques, the more powerful they become. Some benefits: Pain relief without drugs . Biofeedback, tai chi, yoga, hypnosis and progressive muscle relaxation may help ease chronic pain, according to a review of studies, mostly on the over-50s. Study author Dr Natalia Morone says these activities may simply distract you from pain, release muscle tension or help you cope with the anger and depression that often accompany chronic aches. Flu-fighting boost . The Chinese exercises qi gong and tai chi seem to boost the effectiveness of the flu vaccine in older people. Healing from afar? No-one knows for sure how the mind-body connection might make this leap, but praying for someone who is sick seems to work, says a recent review of 17 stud...

Health Info 1

Dear netters Merujuk kepada perkara di atas, berdasarkan kajian kami, pucuk gajus (Anacardium occidentale L.) amat bermanfaat untuk mengawal gula darah pada haiwan eksperimen teraruh diabetis dan berpotensi untuk dijadikan kaedah terapeutik mengawal penyakit kencing manis. Bagaimanapun kesan baik daun gajus ini hanyalah pada daun muda (pucuk) sahaja, manakala daun tua (daun matang) tidak memberi kesan ketara malah boleh bersifat toksik kerana getahnya. Manakala akar patawali (Tinospora crispa) pula berupaya untuk mengurangkan tekanan darah tinggi, justeru berguna untuk mereka2 yang mengalami penyakit darah tinggi. Selain itu, akar patawali juga mempunyai ciri merendah lemak (LDL) dan meningkatkan HDL pada haiwan eksperimen teraruh hiperkolesterolemia . Asam gelugur (Garcinia atroviridis Saya tidak menganjurkan pengambilan haiwan2 yang tidak boleh dimakan (seperti katak puru, sebagaimana yang diterbitkan oleh seorang netter dalam email sebelum ini (kecuali katak puru itu dirujuk sebagai...

Power Of Memory

(And these parables, We set them forth for men, and none understand them but the learned) (Al-'Ankabut:43) Last week I came across one interesting article in a local newspaper about a guy named Ammon Shea who has memorised the Oxford English Dictionary. He documented his experiences in his recently published book; Reading the OED: One man, One Year 21,730 pages . I wonder why and how he could possibly do that. I wish i could talk to him and ask him what had determined him to do that? Can all these words would last forever in his mind? In facts, I do believe that some people have a gifted skill like a photographic memory which they can easily memorised everything they've seen or read within a split second! But even if you don’t have that kind of super memory, you can still memorised the book if you are determined enough to do so. Take an example, the Huffaz who can memorised all verses of Al-Quran. That’s the uniqueness of human memory. To my curious, I’ve googled about this po...

Bila Izrai'l Datang Memanggil..

" Tiap tiap roh akan merasai mati, sesudah kami mencuba kamu melalui kesukaran dan kemewahan, dan kepada kami sajalah tempat kembali kamu yang terakhir." (Al-Anbia' : 35) Kematian itu satu kepastian, namun kadang-kadang kita terlupa bahawa sebenarnya kehidupan kita di dunia ini adalah merupakan satu persinggahan sementara untuk menuju ke destinasi yang kekal abadi; destinasi akhirat. Kita juga mudah terlupa bahawa untuk menuju ke destinasi akhirat kita memerlukan bekal amalan yang secukupnya semasa hidup di dunia ini. Tanpa bekalan amalan yang cukup kita mungkin akan terkandas ditengah jalan dan tidak akan sampai ke destinasi yang telah dijanjikan oleh Allah S.W.T kepada hambaNya yang beriman. Lantas mengingati kematian adalah satu perkara yang akan sentiasa menyedarkan kita bahawa kita sebenarnya dalam perjalanan ke sana dan akan dipanggil bila-bila masa sahaja. Pastikan bekalan amalan yang secukupnya kerana kita tidak akan tahu bila ajal akan datang menjengah. Telah ber...

Critical Thinking

critical thinking? I remember when I was in the matriculation centre of IIUM way back in 1994, all new intakes had to sit for E.PT ( English Placement Test) in order for the University to assess the level of English competency among the students. Yes, as an average student from rural school , what do you expect? I started with level one! Hahaha..but that’s not exactly the point I want to highlight here. All level one student surely remember this..that we were taught how to write properly. Frankly speaking, only then I knew what the thesis statement is and how we were taught in the class to exercise a critical thinking as a writing skill. A critical thinker..yes! I always want to be a critical thinker and till today I’m still not sure whether I am a critical thinker..err let me think the way, this is what the psychology textbooks writer had to say about critical thinking… How to be a Critical Thinker (based on Critical and Creative Thinking by Carole Wade and Carol Tavris) ...

Inaugural post

Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang "Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): "Kalaulah semua jenis lautan menjadi tinta untuk menulis Kalimah-kalimah Tuhanku, sudah tentu akan habis kering lautan itu sebelum habis Kalimah-kalimah Tuhanku, walaupun Kami tambahi lagi dengan lautan yang sebanding dengannya, sebagai bantuan". ( Al-Kahfi : 109 ) I start my first posting here by referring to the Quranic Verse above symbolically to the picture appears in my blog title. "If the ocean were ink (wherewith to write out) the words of my Lord, sooner would the ocean be exhausted than would the words of my Lord, even if we added another ocean like it,for its aid." May Allah give me the strength to share with you guys the thoughts, the feelings, the expression and the wisdom so that this blog may benefit us...hopefully!